Voice At The Table (VATT)

This project aims to increase the number of people with cognitive disabilities sitting on boards, committees and advisory groups within government, service providers, community and mainstream organisations at a local, state and national level.

VATT offers training and opportunities to people with cognitive disabilities, service providers, government, community and mainstream organisations.


To get involved as a Consumer Advocate, please:

call 03 9639 6856

OR email training@voiceatthetable.com.au

You can find out more at the VATT website

To get involved as a Service Providers please visit the VATT website.

Safe Story Sharing

Positive Powerful Parents Self Advocacy Group have created 10 rules for safe story sharing. Please use this guide to make sure self advocates get the support they need when sharing their stories.

Download the Guide in PDF here 
or Download the Guide in MS Word here