New Wave
New Wave is a self advocacy group run by and for people with an intellectual disability in Morewell. Group members work together to make sure that they have the same rights and opportunities as anyone else in their community.
Self Advocates can help with problems, share information about self advocacy and connect people to resources.
The group supports people with an intellectual disability to:
• Learn self advocacy skills to speak up about the problems they are facing in their lives
• Raise community awareness about issues that concern people with intellectual disabilities
• Sit on government advisory boards and panels to make their voices heard
• Inform and educate services about intellectual disability e.g. schools, hospitals, community centres and transportation
Get in touch to learn more!
The group meets every second week. The group also runs a drop-in self advocacy centre twice a week.
Location: Vista Day Service 58-60 Commercial Rd., Morwell Vic 3840
Email: newwaveteam@gmail.com
Phone: 03 5134 8071
Website: https://newwavegippsland.com